Fee Structure for 2024-25

Fee Break-up Amount (Rs.)
Prospectus & Registration Form2500
Admission Fee – One Time
PG to Class XI40000
Quarterly Tuition Fees 
Class PG24000
Class Nur to II28800
Class III to X31200
Class XI & XII34800
Transport facility available – Quarterly10500
Documents required for new admission
  1. Transfer Certificate
  2. Birth Certificate
  3. Marksheet
  4. Medical Certificate of the student
  5. Blood Group
  6. Address & ID proof
  7. Passport size photographs (5 each of Student, Father, Mother)
Note: Kindly submit all the initial documents and photographs with the admission form. It is mandatory to pay the Quarterly Fees between 1st to 15th of every quarter. A late fee of Rs. 15 per day for first 15 days, Rs. 30 for the next 15 days and Rs. 30 for the next 15 days till 45 days will be charged after the aforesaid date. Students name will be struck-off from the rolls if the fees is not paid within 45 days.
Last Day of Fee submission 15th April 2024, 15th July 2024, 15th Oct. 2024 and 15th Jan 2025
Fee Break-up Amount (Rs.)
Registration Form2000
Admission Fee – One Time
Nur to XI50000
Monthly Fees 
Nur to II8800
III to X9500
XI & XII10600
Transport facility available – monthly3200
Documents required for new admission
  1. Transfer Certificate
  2. Birth Certificate
  3. Marksheet
  4. Medical Certificate of the student
  5. Blood Group
  6. Address & ID proof
  7. Passport size photographs (5 each of Student, Father, Mother)
Note: Kindly submit all the initial documents and photographs with the admission form. It is mandatory to pay the Quarterly Fees between 1st to 15th of every quarter. A late fee of Rs. 15 per day for first 15 days, Rs. 30 for the next 15 days and Rs. 30 for the next 15 days till 45 days will be charged after the aforesaid date. Students name will be struck-off from the rolls if the fees is not paid within 45 days.
Last Day of Fee submission 15th April 2023, 15th July 2023, 15th Oct. 2023 and 15th Jan 2024